Protecting Sight #47: Three secrets of resilient people. Cosmetic iris implants can cause blindness.

Welcome to my daily learning journal. My daily goal is to watch one Ted Talk and one cataract surgery. I also plan to read one journal article and read/listen to a book chapter, short story or significant work.

Here’s today’s list:

1. Ted Talk – Lucy Hone – 3 secrets of resilient people “Everyone experiences loss, but how do you cope with the tough moments that follow? Resilience researcher Lucy Hone shares three hard-won strategies for developing the capacity to brave adversity, overcome struggle and face whatever may come head-on with fortitude and grace.” (

I applied her 3rd pearl immediately (and hope to implement daily). Worth a watch. 16 minutes.

2A. Cataract Surgery – Uday Devgan MD – Mastering Divide-and-Conquer – Guest surgeon Dr. Neto Rosatelli (Brazil). I learned divide and conquer as an ophthalmology resident. Nice technique.

2B. Cataract Surgery – Ike Ahmed MD – Management of discontinuous capsulorhexis during cataract surgery. Revisited this case while looking for Ike’s iris explantation video (below).

Figure 2

3A. Journal – Mansour AM, Ahmed IIK, Eadie B, et al . Iritis, glaucoma and corneal decompensation associated with BrightOcular cosmetic iris implant. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2016;100:1098-1101.

#IkeNeedsAHaircut posted a case he performed on the explantation of a BrightOcular cosmetic iris implant. He linked to the BJO article above.

4. Book Chapter – Mark Twain – The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Chapters 18-23 via Apple podcast. See also Sparknotes (narration) and Gutenberg (book text).

5. AAO Draws Global Support in Condemnation of Rubber Bullets. by Peter Downs. #NoRubberBullets

See Protecting Sight Daily Learning posts here.

Please send me feedback. Would appreciate suggestions of Ted Talks, cataract videos, and journal articles to learn from and share.

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