#ProtectingSight #366: How to empower people to solve their own legal problems & prepare residents for practice. Anton Syndome & a trick of light through the cornea.

Welcome to my daily learning journal. I started this blog post series to create better habits for learning. Each post includes items drawn from Ted Talks, ophthalmology videos, journal articles, case reports, book chapters, podcasts and more.

Here is today’s list:

1. Ted Talk – Rohan Pavuluri: How to empower people to solve their own legal problems. “If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you, right? Not in US civil court. From high legal fees to confusing paperwork and expensive lawyers, it can be difficult to settle civil matters. Entrepreneur and TED Fellow Rohan Pavuluri is working to streamline cumbersome legal processes with an app that empowers people to solve their own legal problems.” (ted.com)

Insightful Ted Talk.

2. Cataract Surgery – Uday Devgan MD – 1134: Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcome?. Sage advice for residents and lifelong learners.

3. Andrew Lee MD – Anton Syndrome.

Dr. Lee’s neuro-ophthalmology reviews are perfect for lifelong learning.

4. Koh, Shizuka et al. “Trick of the Light Through the Cornea.” Ophthalmology, Volume 128, Issue 6, 836.

5. AMA Annual Meeting – Spent 7+ hours attending the AMA virtual meeting today. Wonderful to see colleagues (virtually) who share a mission to move medicine forward.

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