#ProtectingSight #406: Growing up under China’s one-child policy. IOL technologies & lid retraction. Reading, writing, & lifelong learning.

Welcome to my daily learning journal. Here is today’s list:

1. Ted Talk – Nanfu Wang: What it was like to grow up under China’s one-child policy. “China’s one-child policy ended in 2015, but we’re just beginning to understand what it was like to live under the program, says TED Fellow and documentary filmmaker Nanfu Wang. With footage from her film “One Child Nation,” she shares untold stories that reveal the policy’s complex consequences and expose the creeping power of propaganda.” (ted.com description)

There are some Ted Talks which touch you to the core. This is one of those talks.

2. Cataract Surgery – Uday Devgan MD – 1174: picking the right IOL for each eye. Superb pearls. And because of Dr. Devgan, I’ve often read the FDA reports on new IOL technologies.

3. Andrew Lee MD – Lid Retraction in Neuro-op.

Dr. Lee’s neuro-ophthalmology reviews are perfect for lifelong learning.

4. Episode 14: Reading, Writing, and Lifelong Learning with Morgan Housel — Shane writes, “Financial writer Morgan Housel and I discuss reading, writing, filtering information, admitting error, important qualities to have in friends and so much more.”

This is one of my favorite podcasts. I started listening to the Knowledge Project a few years ago and have gone back to listen from episode #1 onward. I also follow Morgan Housel on Twitter and love his financial insights. Still need to read his book, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness, which is often listed among value investors & lifelong learners.

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