Protecting Sight #220: A guide to collaborative leadership. The runaway capsulorhexis, nautilus phacorhexis, & neuromyelitis optica (NMO).

Welcome to my daily learning journal. My daily goal is to watch one Ted Talk and one cataract surgery. I also plan to read one journal article and read/listen to a book chapter, podcast, or significant work.

Here is today’s list:

1. Ted Talk – Lorna Davis: A guide to collaborative leadership. “What’s the difference between heroes and leaders? In this insightful talk, Lorna Davis explains how our idolization of heroes is holding us back from solving big problems — and shows why we need ‘radical interdependence’ to make real change happen.” (

I enjoyed this talk. I also give a talk on colloborative partnerships which is available here.

2A. Uday Devgan MD – Run Away Capsulorhexis: What is your next move? Dr. Devgan writes, “This patient has an intumescent white cataract and our surgeon, an ophthalmology resident with about 200 cataract surgeries completed, wishes to try a capsulorhexis using a small incision and a pressurized anterior chamber.” Great pearls.

2B. Dr.Ramakrishna Tadanki – Nautilus Phacorhexis. Nice video.

2C. Tom Oetting MD – Nautilus Phacorhexis. Nice video and narration.

3. Who Dimmed the Lights? Headache, Eye Pain, and Fading Vision. Written By: James Wilhite, MD, Jeremy Maylath, and Kenneth C. Lao, MD. Edited By: Ingrid U. Scott, MD, MPH. After five days of dimming vision, the 24-year-old couldn’t see out of her right eye, and now her left eye was getting worse, too. (EyeNet January 2021).

4. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things by Robert Fulghum (page 49-64).

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