Protecting Sight #83: How do daily habits lead to political violence? Capsulorhexis, sickle cell retinopathy, MGUS, and Leaves of Grass.

Welcome to my daily learning journal. My daily goal is to watch one Ted Talk and one cataract surgery. I also plan to read one journal article and read/listen to a book chapter, short story or significant work.

Here’s today’s list:

1. Ted Talk – Christiane-Marie Abu Sarah – How do daily habits lead to political violence? “What drives someone to commit politically motivated violence? The unsettling answer lies in daily habits. Behavioral historian Christiane-Marie Abu Sarah shares startling insights into how seemingly mundane choices can breed polarization that lead to extreme, even deadly, actions — and explains how to identify and bypass these behaviors in order to rediscover common ground.” (

I have a lifelong interest in US Presidential history and collect historical documents as a hobby (see blog page here). The image above which features political ephemera is a collector’s dream!

This is an excellent & timely talk. Worth listening to before and after every election.

2. Cataract Surgery – Uday Devgan MD with guest surgeon Dr. Luis Escaf (Columbia). Capsulorhexis Pearls. Uday highlights all-star guests & great pearls.

3. Journal – Starr MR, Patel LG, Ho AC. Presumed Sickle Cell Retinopathy in an Elderly WomanJAMA Ophthalmol. Published online September 03, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2020.1614

Walt Whitman, steel engraving, July 1854.jpg

4. Book Chapter – Walt Whitman – Leaves of Grass: Sparknotes, Wikipedia, and Gutenberg. Book 3 (Parts I and II).

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